So, it's December 23rd...and I am going through my Christmas Eve tradition list...
1.) Fake snow for Santa's footprints - CHECK
2.) Small gift from Santa left in the boy's room for when they first wake up - CHECK
3.) New blankets for the boys to open - CHECK
4.) Cake to be baked or cupcakes to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus - WILL BE CHECKED - today or tomorrow
5.) Read, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - CHECK - HAVE THE BOOK
6.) Read the story of Jesus' Birth. - CHECK - HAVE THE BOOK ;-)
7.) Set out Reindeer food for the overworked animals! - Pretty sure they will eat anything.
8.) Cookies and milk for Santa.
We still do the big things like Christmas Eve dinner and Service, but these things I pray they remember.
This year, my one thing I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to do is this:
We added a Jesus Stocking this year.
So, at the time we sing to Celebrate Jesus' birthday, I will give whomever is present a piece of paper. Their job is to draw a picture of themselves as their present to Him all that they are...themselves. I plan to put these self-made portraits into a book that will grow each year. We will put it into Jesus' stocking. (This ideas was given to me by a friend). Come Christmas morning, there will be a heart or a star of some sort for the kids to have. Hopefully it is to remind them of Jesus' love or the Star that told the world of his birth.
And since we moved into a new house this year, YIPEEE! - we do not have a chimney...but do not be dismayed! We have found a way! We crafted a Magical Santa Key that we will hang on our door knob before we go to bed.

It reads: "Dear Santa, We don't have a chimney, as you plainly see, but we still want you to visit, so here is our magic key. - Love the Kerbs Family"
So the only thing left I have to figure out what will be in Jesus' stocking on Christmas Morning.
So, it's December 23rd...what are your traditions for the Eve of Christmas - and are you ready??