Once again, Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complementary copy of the book, Captured By Grace: No One Is Beyond The Reach of a Loving God.
Regardless of what we have done in the past, no one is beyond the reach of our loving God! What a blessing it is to know that God loves ME (despite all my failures and all my faults)! Dr. Jeremiah used John Newton's hymn "Amazing Grace" as his outline to help him explain how God lovingly extends an offer of grace to each and every sinner. The choice is ours: To accept His offer or to turn our backs.
By using short stanzas from this great hymn of faith, he paints for the reader a beautiful picture of God's undeserved favor to all.
Unfortunately, this book was a hard read. The idea behind this book is needed and usefu; however, I never really got into this book. I had an extremely difficult time following everything the author was stating. I really enjoyed the stories about John Newton, so much so that I wished this book was more about John Newton and how God shaped his life into a pastor and writer.
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