Our lil' Lamb has turned 1 today! He has brought such joy to our family! He is a happy baby, go with the flow kind of baby, and is pretty much a mama's boy! (which I totally love! - alright most days) He has been walking for about a month now and is getting better at it each day! Last night we went to the park, and he is sliding down the slide ALL BY HIMSELF! (Forgot the camera...stupid, stupid, stupid) This weekend will be a party of PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES! (I thought I would have the movie playing in the background for the adults! ;) ) WHAT?! It's a classic!

Turbo loves Tank, and many hours of the day cannot keep his hands off of him! Hence the "TANK RULES".
He has 3 teeth and counting...I'm sure that by the end of the month, there will be a good handful more (there better be with all this teething grumpiness!)
Ahhh..SNIFF, SNIFF...my last baby boy is growing up. No more newborn smell, just a sweet, kissable bald head!

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