Friday, November 19, 2010

Letters R and N

This past week has been really good for us to get into a school groove. I'm really excited about actually digging in and planning school once therapy is done (5 more time), rather than throw things together at the last minute, or while Turbo is working. I also can't wait to get started planning Tot School...well not plan, but you get the idea - you know document Tot School!

We worked on the letters R and N.

Here is his workbook in Handwriting Without Tears for the letter R.

Here is his art project:

His workbook page for the letter N:

His artwork for the Letter N:

Usually, I write the word for the art project object, but today, Turbo did! He, with help, sounded it out, and using my writing as a visual. But still! He wrote it, and I believe, understood what he was writing other than doing copywork!

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