Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Daily Schedule

Part of Turbo's OT treatment includes "Making A Plan". As I blogged before, Ms. Renee has a giant book binder that is filled with pages that has Velcro-ed pictures of different toys/activities available! Each session, Turbo is to look through the book and choose an activity to do or really to play on. It is referred to as "THE PLAN".

To implement the same kind of idea in our home, I tried various things and nothing worked:

1) Dry erase board - Turbo would erase the plan and draw on the board or Tank would try to eat it, and the plan would be lost anyways. (Scratch that idea)

2) Created a daily schedule on paper - too much paper, can't afford this plan to continue if the plan kept changing hourly for Turbo. (SCRATCH!)

3) Created a calendar for Turbo to look at - Really it was like telling him to read another language, he would look at me and walk away. (DOUBLE SCRATCH!)

4) POCKET CHART! YES! I used pocket charts all the time and I had one! Looking at it...Looking at it...Looking at it...YEP...GOT AN IDEA!!! (SCRATCH!!!!!! What was I thinking?)

Finally, I gave myself a good swift kick in the pants and a smack on the forehead - you know those types of DUH! moments!- and decided to do our "PLAN" the same way Ms. Renee does.

I made a WORD document and made a sequential order to our day. Looking back, I probably should have gone from left to right instead of top to bottom, but hey, I had a great plan - I didn't say it was brilliant!

Then I scoured the World Wide Web for images that fit our lives: Library, Grocery Story, Playgroups, Parks, School, Meal times, etc. I laminated everything, added Velcro to the back, and put a sticky Velcro strip on our fridge for Turbo to look through to make is plan and VOILA! My very own book of "THINGS TO DO"....but it is on the fridge instead...

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