For Halloween this year, the boys dressed as Spider Men. Not that hubby and I had any intentions of dressing up to go to the Fall Fest at a local church, but when he found our ould Gorilla suit (yes, we OWN a gorilla suit) while cleaning out the garage, we just couldn't resist. We have had (or rather my parent's) a Mr. Peanut costume (Planter's Peanuts?) for years and years, so it was time to break it out again.
Our friends, couldn't believe that we of all people would dress up. HEY! We USED to be fun like that before kiddos came along. It is about time that our inner Party Animals came out! (Don't worry, we put those animals to bed at 9 pm)
But what I wanted to say was that Turbo (and Tank too) did AWESOME in a place where they usually would have a meltdown. Tank was way past his bath and bedtime, but did great! When we finally stopped playing games, we sat down on the floor in the Fellowship hall to eat hotdogs and nacho, he grabbed that hotdog and chowed down! Not small bites for me, mama...I'm a big boy now!
But this is where the real joy in both mom and dad's hearts set in: While in the Fellowship Hall to eat, we both looked at each other wondering how this night was to end. It usually ends up in tears and frustration while we battle Turbo to stay seated and eat. But then something popped into my head: BLOCK EVERYTHING OUT! GET HIM DOWN TO A GREEN/BLUE LEVEL! But do whatever it takes!
I quickly scanned the room for something, anything that would block out any visual/auditory stimulation but was appropriate for the situation. AHH HAA! I found a little cubbie hole in the corner of the room that was a perfect hide-away spot for him to sit in and eat. It worked perfectly! He sat in the cubbie hole, while I "blocked" entrance to it with Tank and me and Dad stood behind me. He ate his entire hotdog, drank his lemonade and had his cookie for dessert without any problems! Not once did we have to remind him to sit and eat. Afterwards, we played one more game and left without any incident!
PRAISE JESUS! IT WORKED!!!!!!! Oh I am so excited! We have strategies and they work!!!!
Today was the Star Center's Halloween celebration, so everyone wore costumes. Ms. Renee wore a purple wig as called herself, Purple Polly. I considered having Turbo wear his Spider Man costume with the muscles, but was convinced otherwise by my loving husband who threw in the tidbit of advice, that I may be battling him come Monday about wearing it again. No costume won out.
Turbo also brought his finished Happy Face Chart to show Ms. Renee that he had completed all of the 10 squares by applying chap stick. However, we diverted from the chart just a little bit and gave him a Happy Face when he did something that was totally out of the norm for him. One was that he tried something new to eat at dinner. He loves broccoli, loves it, but anything other than butter on it, and he is repulsed by it. So that night, I put cheese on it. Not too much, but enough for him to see it. At first, he didn't want to even look at it, much less eat it or smell it. But after convincing him that a Happy Face would be put on his chart, which in turn would be come a prize from the treasure box from Ms. Renee, he reluctantly tried it. And the world stopped. He liked it! In fact, so much that he ate the rest, and then at lunch the next day, asked for more, and then again at dinner! Gracious, if I had know that a Happy Face chart with the promise of a trinket toy from a treasure box would be the trick to get him to try something new, I would have done that a LOOONNGGG time ago! Now, I need to find myself a small treasure box, and start filling it with stupid toys that will just break an hour into its play history and toss it in the trash. $ store, here I come! Not to mention those free boxes that can be found at garage sales! WHOO HOO!
Another happy face that he got was for staying at the table and eating his food without getting to a '5' on his volcano! And the third one was for him to blow his nose without having a major meltdown, which was a goal for him to meet set by daddy.
To begin the session, they chose from the book to make out their plan for the day. Turbo's great idea was to take a large inner tub and put it in the ball bit while he rode the zip line down and landed in it as the target. He did this a few times, when he asked Ms. Renee to get in as well.
While at the top of the tower, Ms. Renee worked with him on the Volcano language. Turbo's engine was pretty high at this point. His eyes were distracted elsewhere and his body couldn't stop moving. At home, this would drive me nuts, and if Ms. Renee was honest with me, I'm sure she has had these moments where OT has gone out the window, and overworked, overtired, stressed out mama takes over her body. But, she was calm, and continued to talk with Turbo, offering things to help self-regulate himself. Although the "story", which in turn will become a strategy wasn't completed, she did get him to help her with it, and moved on. My OCD wouldn't allow that; which is something I need to work on.
Moving on to our next activity: Teddy Bear picnic. Turbo climbed into a hammock and was asked to feed a teddy bear that I was holding some food while he crawled back and forth getting it. This was to help him close out any and all visual/auditory stimulation. What I didn't get was that this was a play-practice of eating new foods. The bear was to be Turbo when he reacts to eating new foods. Instead, I just played and didn't use the time to help teach him how to use strategies to keep or bring his volcano activity down. Once it was over, Ms. Renee modeled what she was wanting me to do. Sorry, Ms. Renee, but you've got a dense mother on your hands; dense and extremely exhausted - you're gonna have to beat it into my head if you want me to understand! ;)
In her model play, she rejected new foods that Turbo tried to give to the bear. She played like the teddy bear sniffed it, touched it, looked at it, ran away, etc. What she was trying to get from Turbo was strategies from him on how to "just eat it". He gave her some cues, but only because he got the cues from mom and dad in the past. Something we need to work on at home....add to list at 122.
On a brief side note: Here is Tank, decked out with his snacks, drink, his own chewie toy, and a toy remote control. Now, most kids have a lovey as a blanket, or a stuffed animal. Tank's lovey is proving to be a remote control. And really it could be any remote. If they work and change the channel, great! If they don't, great! He just wants to hold it. Should I be worried? Ehhh...moving on.
One thing she introduced to him on the zip line tower was his water hose (shooter). She revealed that everyone has a water hose in his/her pocket. When our volcanoes begin to reach those 4 and 5 levels, it is necessary to use our water shooters to put them out. She equated to him that water in the hose are his strategies. I'm not sure how much he absorbed because there was so much going on around us, but again, we can work on using that language at home.
She set up the barrel for him to straddle, and gave him a Nerf gun with suction cups. They both drew on the window 5 volcanoes. For each of the volcanoes, she asked Turbo to draw what the "red stuff" looked like at each level.
His job was to use his water shooter (hose) to put out the volcano as she helped him with different strategies at different levels. He choose to breath deeply in most cases, which is where practice needs to come in to teach him to use different strategies at different times.
Here is the second video of him looking at his Stick Kid cards that are on his backpack. We need to implement these a bit more at home.
To end the day, we went into a quiet room and played Ping Pong Ball Word building. Simple game. She wrote letters on the ping pong balls, gave him a straw, put a small container on the floor and asked him to "Build-A-Word" (Word World TV show on PBS) as he blew the ping pong ball with the straw into the container. As he did it, he would make the sound of the letter with my help.
Then it was my turn. Sorry, no video of this one as it was rather humbling crawling on the floor with my "sit-upon" up in the air for all to see...
One thing I mentioned to her is that with me staying at home with him, ALL THE TIME, I have become known to him less as a friend/playmate and more of the disciplinarian. Yeah, he will play with me some, but when dad gets home, that is when the real play begins. I don't mind it, but if we are going to be doing more school at home rather than in the public school, our "relationship" has to improve so that he can he see me in a different light. So my job as an uptight mom, needs to let the dishes go (which doesn't seem to be a problem these days, SHEESH!), and know that the laundry and house cleaning will still be there when he is napping or in bed for the night (YEP! Experiment tested and completed...still gonna be there). So I need to repair and rebuild that relationship for both of our sakes. Job number 123...
To continue in the spirit of not going in order, we have hopped to the letter "Ff". At first, Turbo didn't know who Frankenstein was, (good job mom) so why not introduce him? (not so good mom!) Anyways, explained a bit of who he was, and we made our own Frankenstein. Not that I had the correct colored construction paper, mind you. So we did the next best thing, we improvised. I did have green construction paper, but not black. To get our color black, we practiced our painting skills. Cutting, pasting, and facial space placement was worked on as well.
Next, we moved on to our "Paint-In-A-Bag-Taped-On-The-Sliding-Glass-Door" contraption and worked on writing the letter "Ff".
This was our "MASTERPIECE" when we were all done.
Hmmm, maybe I will sit down and watch the original "Masterpiece" of Frankenstein.
This morning, Ms. Renee took us into the table top room to work on some stuff at the table. She also wanted to show me a great chair for Turbo and to show how he sits while sitting on a wedge with a food rest. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the ideas! Now to make them a reality in our home!
She also gave me an idea for a hand strengthening activity that pretty much won't cost me anything. A tennis ball.
She used a steak knife to cut open a mouth, drew a face and VOILA! a homemade stress relief ball! She had some beads with letters on them that we was to use kiddo chopsticks to pick them up and put them into the ball's mouth. He couldn't do both, so they took turns.
We got to go into the large gym to play the game of SIT, JUMP or KICK. Turbo got to hang on a trapeze (hand strengthenin) while I rolled a large ball while giving a command. He had to think while trying to hang one, strengthen his core and develop his balance and vision. He loved the game a lot! After that hard work, he did his astronaut practice (vision practice). He complained after a bit that he was tired and that his eyes hurt but that is great news as he is beginning to process things! Just to embed the thought of number touches, we played Whack-A-Mole again. Then she introduced us to a new game by Cranium! It is Balloon Lagoon! What a great game! It tests a lot of skills, but it is just a fun game for the family and another opportunity for Turbo to lay on his belly in the prone position to strengthen his core, plus a game to add to our Family Night Stash!
I've been blessed to have family and friends invite me to take photos of their family and kiddos. It has been blessing our family as I am getting paid to do it! I haven't put up all of the photos I've been taking, but there are some on a new blog site. Take a look and if you're interested in family pictures I'd love to talk with you!
With fall setting in and Halloween less than a week away, I decided to skip our schedule of letter learning all the way to "Ww". To keep Turbo's interest, we made a Witch and a added a spider!
For the witch, I used my artistic ability, to draw her profile and had Turbo cut her out. Then he glued her face and her hat onto another piece of paper. Once that was finished, he added eyes, along with a googlie eye, colored her lips red and added some warts to her nose and chin. For the tactile part, I asked him to make squiggles (ya like that...squiggles) of glue so that he could paste yarn for her hair. He wasn't too into that because that would mean getting his fingers sticky and messy. So, I had to help.
Here, I made dots to help him with writing. To connect the dots helps him to see how a "W" is correctly written.
For the spider web, I asked him to make the same squiggly lines for the web. Now, if I had thought ahead I would have looked for my glitter to find that it was all gone, so I would have planned something else. However, this was not the case for today. While Turbo is make glue squiggles I realize that I don't have glitter, and I have to improvise. With what? Might you ask?
CAKE DECORATING SUGAR SPRINKLES. That's right, ladies and gentleman, you can lick our spider web for a sweet treat! (but I don't recommend it. Neither does Turbo, or course, this recommendation came after he tried it.)
Then we added a spider with a bunch of googlie eyes, and labeled our art!
**Of note: there are 2 videos that did not upload...grrr...will try to get them posted soon**
This morning, Turbo stated again that he did not want to go to the Star Center, because each time it makes him tired. GOOD! THAT IS GREAT NEWS! That means that he is internalizing what is happening! It is hard work, but this hard work will be helpful to our entire family in the long run.
Today, Turbo was Astro Boy. Ms. Renee set up targets on our "aliens", while Turbo swung in the swing. The posture: Prone. This helps with his posture so that when it is necessary to sit still or work on table top work for school, he has worked on those muscles to become stronger. This swing allowed him to spin and spin and spin (vestibular) all while encouraging him to use quick ocular movement to find the alien targets to shoot the Nerf gun bullets at. He did this for quite some time and enjoyed every minute of it. See for yourself.
At first, he wanted to straddle the swing, but quickly realized that it wasn't going to work with the task he was given.
Afterwards, it was off to the astronaut training room. Again, he spun on the board/disc and then had to follow the light with his eyes without moving his head. At first, he was doing really well. His line of moving sight was smooth and intact. But, then suddenly, he asked to stop because his body felt sick. We interpreted that he was dizzy. He should be from all that spinning in the Astro Boy game, and then turning around and spinning some more. YEAH! He not only was able to get dizzy, but to articulate that he was dizzy.
With this new revelation on the table, the plan had to be changed and quickly. They set up an obstacle course again for him to maneuver through and then into the ball pit. He did this a couple of times, but then somebody else asked if they could use the zip line and ball pit. That wasn't a problem, so we just moved on.
Our next games was MEMORY. Remember that game? Yet, this game was MEMORY with a twist. He was to straddle a tube while Ms. Renee held on to him and quickly flashed him a memory card. He was to then find the match while leaning over. This helped with is trunk strength as he reached over to grab the match.
Then, he layed inside the tube but had to roll back and forth while seeing the card that she flashed and then continuing to roll to the other side of the mat to retrieve the match. This worked on vestibular, proprioceptive and trunk/core strengthening.
When our session was complete, she gave him an I CAN chart specific to applying chap stick. If he can apply chap stick when asked for 10 times in a row, the he receives a prize. I'm sure he won't have any problem with this task seeing how a toy is involved. For some, a way to their heart is through their get to Turbo's What are ya gonna do.
To wrap up our time together, Turbo watched a movie while Ms. Renee and I chatted. We began with our goals for Turbo and how those were coming along. He is progressing nicely, but there are some areas where we need some extra work on. I realize that these therapy sessions are taking 110% of my time (yeah, do the math), so implementing all of these strategies, or at least weeding out those that don't work for our family, will come later. I get frustrated that they don't work instantly, but her job isn't to FIX Turbo but to fill up our toolbox to help him. This is going to be an evolving task.
On situation in specific is his TV watching time. Although he watching and listens the TV, he doesn't SIT and watch the TV. He is usually bouncing off the furniture, the walls, spinning in circles, jumping off the bar, dancing or mimicking what he sees on the shows or constantly touching Tank (poor guy). She convinced me that he may be the type of boy that needs to move while watching TV. Although I don't like the idea, I can agree with her.
Recommendations: 1.) Make a fidget basket that holds many tools for him to use while watching TV. His TheraBand, weighted frog, chewie, puddy, blanket, etc. Things that he can use to move or fidget with that will help to dissolve the desire to move FAST (RED).
2.) Provide him an exercise ball to sit and lightly bounce on. (We used this before, but he would toss it around the house. Now that Tank is older, he may want to play with it to. I can see MANY potential problems, but we may try it later).
3.) I thought of this one: Have him watch his shows in his tent to drown out competing visual/audio stimulation while using our portable DVD player.
We also talked a lot about his posture and ability to sit still. Although he may desperately want to sit still, he really, really struggles with it. She suggested taping a few phonebooks together (why did I just have to throw mine out the other day?) to provide him a foot rest. Because when his feet are dangling and have the ability to kick, his balance it thrown off and his attention is diverted to something else on the table or in the room that takes him mind off of the task at hand: eating or schoolwork. She also suggested getting a wedge for him to sit on while at the table. It provides enough cushion for him to sit on while still providing the proper support for him to sit at the table, all while being able to move/fidget as needed. This combined with a TheraBand strapped to the legs of the chair, (this is so he can "punt" while eating and kicking his legs, but provides deep pressure input) allows success for him to sit still long enough to complete whatever it is at the table that is needing to be completed.
In order to incorporate Turbo's therapy everyday, we have put together a little backpack that he will carry with him everywhere. With all of the items in it, it also provides him some added weight to help weigh him down (a BLUE activity).
Raisins (chewing) - GREEN
Tube Blowing - GREEN
Weighted Lap Pillow - BLUE
Stick Kids Cards - Helps us choose an activity
Water Bottle - Sucking BLUE/GREEN
Phone Cord to fidgit with - BLUE/GREEN
TheraBand - BLUE/GREEN
KRTEK Cards - BLUE (yes, I realize it is upside down)
Paint Bag - GREEN/BLUE (tapes it onto window to practice writing in the car or on the table at a resturant
Paper Clip, hand strengthener/figiting - BLUE/GREEN
HA! Take that! I don't need to buy one of these for $40 bucks!
Beginning with self-care, we applied chapstick for our Dinosaur Protection as we were going on a Dino-Safari. He used a strategy of dabbing his lips on his shirt after the chapstick was fully applied instead of wiping it off full. YEAH! PROGRESS!
We entered into the realm of the dinosaurs and climbed onto our Land Rover equipped with our stun guns! His Land Rover was a swing that he had to stradle which worked on his posture and balance. Crossing mid-line, we had to use a NERF gun to shoot suction darts at dinosarus that were drawn on the window. Unfortunately, the guns weren't working that well, but it was good to see how he would react. Usually, he would throw it, and get upset, calling it "STUPID", etc. But he didn't. He kept trying different methods to try to get it to work. It did a couple of times, but it didn't keep his attention long enough.
Off to the quiet room to work on his Vision Program. He did the same thing that he has done in the past, but this time, we turned off the lights. He relies so much visually on where his body is in space and time, that she wanted to see how he would react: He fell off the board. Good to know. Must mean that we need to work on the Vision Program more!
He then tackled his Jedi Knight training again. Although this time, she stepped him up to the third level because he desires a challenge. He did good, but I had to remind him that, "PRACTICE MAKES BETTER!" - because of his perfectionistic tendencies...insert mommy guilt here.
To do a GREEN/BLUE activity, we went into the small gym to talk about his VOLCANO. She equated it to his RED ALERT or his anger.
She had him draw a picture of what he may be feeling at each stage, he did this as his climbed the rainbow.
Yesterday was our half way marker! It was a pretty typical day in our activities. He played in the helicopter swing We discussed how that for some kids, swinging and spinning disorganizes some kids, but that it seems to help calm and setting Turbo. That being said, I can now understand why he spins like he does. He has found something that soothes him, but drives me CRAZY!! (I'm the adult, I'm the adult!) So for pretty much the majority of our hour-long session, he spun around and grabbed beanbags while trying to throw them to knock down frogs on a log (or aliens as they have now known to become).
During our discussion, she approached me with something that I still haven't chewed full on yet. She suggested that we look into some type of gifted program. At once she could see my hesitation, and continued to explain. Turbo is a bright kiddo, but there seems to be a lot more going on inside his head that even he cannot fully explain. She reassured me that she wasn't talking about reading/writing at an 8th grade level at 5-years-old, but that he is gifted in the WAY he thinks. She called him a gifted thinker. OK, I can see that.
Common Characteristics of Gifted While it is rare for a gifted child to exhibit all characteristics, it is common for a gifted child to manifest many of the following:
Good at problem-solving Learns rapidly Extensive vocabulary Good memory Longer attention span Compassion for others Perfectionism High degree of energy Prefers older companions Wide or narrow range of interests Unusual sense of humor Early or avid reader Insatiable curiosity & persistence Intense concentration May question authority Advanced sense of conscience May demonstrate intense emotional and/or physical sensitivity Exhibits creativity Ability with puzzles, #s Perceives abstract ideas Sees relationships
Here is what I found to help me differentiate the two:
BRIGHT KIDS and GIFTED KIDS. A Bright Child....(B) A gifted child....(G)
(B) Knows the answer (G) Asks the questions - sometimes deep probing questions of an abstract nature.
(B) Is interested. (G) Is highly curious
(B) Is attentive (G) Is mentally and physically involved
(B) Has good ideas (G) Has wild, silly ideas
(B) Works hard (G) Plays around, yet tests well
(B) Answers the questions (G) Discusses in detail, elaborates
(B) Top Group (G) Beyond the group
(B) Listens with interest (G) Shows strong feelings and opinions
(B) Learns with ease (G) Already knows
(B) 6-8 repetitions for mastery (G) 1-2 repetitions for mastery
(B) Understands ideas (G) Constructs abstractions
(B) Enjoys peers (G) Prefers adults or older children or seeks out other very bright or gifted peers.
(B) Grasps the meaning (G) Draws inferences and opens up new questions.
(B) Completes assignments (G) Initiates projects
(B) Is receptive (G) Is intense
(B) Copies accurately (G) Creates a new design
(B) Enjoys school (G) Enjoys learning - but may hate school.
(B) Absorbs information. (G) Manipulates information
(B) Technician (G) Inventor - Loves construction toys
(B) Good Memorizer (G) Good guesser - draws on vast information store.
(B) Is alert (G) Is keenly observant - seems to remember fine details.
(B) Is pleased with own learning (G) Is highly self-critical - can be a perfectionist to the point of tantrums when young.
(B) Enjoys straight-forward and/or sequential presentation (G) Thrives on complexity - needs the whole picture. Requires a gestalt approach.
**GESTALT APPROACH**a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts
Afterwards, we continued his Vision Therapy which is coming along, but we would like to see it further. Guess I am going to have to work on that at home too.
He played the ZOOM BALL and climbed the rock wall, then we settled for a game of rhythmic activity.
This activity helped him focus on a moving object (Vision Therapy) while having his body moving (sitting on the ball), and being able to cross mid-line. Since he didn't crawl very much as a baby, his mid-line crossing isn't the greatest - which somehow connects with the brain and allows...yada yada yada - my brain was mush by then.
Our lil' Lamb has turned 1 today! He has brought such joy to our family! He is a happy baby, go with the flow kind of baby, and is pretty much a mama's boy! (which I totally love! - alright most days) He has been walking for about a month now and is getting better at it each day! Last night we went to the park, and he is sliding down the slide ALL BY HIMSELF! (Forgot the camera...stupid, stupid, stupid) This weekend will be a party of PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES! (I thought I would have the movie playing in the background for the adults! ;) ) WHAT?! It's a classic! Turbo loves Tank, and many hours of the day cannot keep his hands off of him! Hence the "TANK RULES". He has 3 teeth and counting...I'm sure that by the end of the month, there will be a good handful more (there better be with all this teething grumpiness!)
Ahhh..SNIFF, last baby boy is growing up. No more newborn smell, just a sweet, kissable bald head!
Today was all about making a plan. Making a plan so that when things go wrong (and we pin pointed those specific situations) we will already have a plan in place. We also talked a lot about feelings, and about RED ALERTS!
We started off with some more self-care practice. Turbo is getting better, but still struggles with the thought of getting his hands messy. To help him along, his task was to clean off lizards in the sink. Using some foam that doesn't smell like shaving cream, definitely a must for this practice, he covered the lizards in the tub. Next, we was to clean them off with his hands and some water. His first words, "No thank you. I don't want to get my hands messy", which was expected. It was great how he responded with words and not with a fit of frustration. So Ms. Renee offered him a squirt bottle filled with water instead. He was agreeable with it, and proceeded to clean off the lizards. Which was good anyway because the squeezing motion will only help strengthen his hands.
We moved on into the large gym and the zip line. When he climbed the tower, he and Ms. Renee wrote a story/plan how specific situations where he feels frustrated, aka: RED ALERT! I mentioned before how torn Turbo is when he has an "owie" with a Band-Aide and his need for being clean (take a bath/shower). Last night it happened again. Although this time, he did get into the shower and then realized that he had an owie and immediately needed to get out. Before, we would have fought him and kept him in there, but with our task of trying to rewire specific situations that cause him stress, we said ok, and helped him out of the shower.
What they were doing was devising a plan on what to do when "THAT" situation comes up again (which it will, obviously). His plan is to put a plastic bag with tape over his owie and get into the water. That way it won't get wet. (much like you do when you have a cast). He seemed up for it, but we won't know if during his panic state of mind, will it work or not. We will have to see.
His code word is RED ALERT! It is something he can say when he feels himself going into panic mode, or whatever it is that happens. Sometimes a 5-year-old can't express what is wrong, he just knows something is wrong. So easy words like, RED ALERT, can be used to tell us that something is wrong, and for us to help him through it. I'm excited to use this, but I have already had the opportunity to use it, but I forgot about it! It hasn't even been 3 hours since the session! (next time...)
Once finished with his story, he used the zip line to crash into the ball pit where he was to find plastic lizards. Again, he was to use just his touch and not his eyes. To help block out visual stimulation of the large gym and other people in it, she covered the pit with a blanket while he searched for the lizards. This helped tremendously. Not only was visual distractions blocked out, but it was dark and he was FORCED to use his hands and not his eyes.
I thought about the tents that we have at home that are the bane of my existence and wondered how I could incorporate them into our daily life. One area of struggle is when he is watching a movie or TV. Too much is going on in our house for him to just sit and watch. We have a portable DVD player, so maybe if I were to isolate him in his room, in his tent, with a blanket over it, might he be able to focus on the show and not become distracted. Mental note...(yeah, we know how that goes)...
Next, we played a bit of zoom ball, and climbed the rainbow in the small gym. Just some strategies to bring him down to a BLUE or GREEN level. Afterwards, she had him balance on a core strengthener while playing Simon Says. Then she drug him down the hall on a bag to get his shoes.
Part of therapy for Turbo is to begin to strengthen his hands so that he won't get fatigued when writing. I first used this "paint bag" on the table and then the floor. We didn't get any where with writing as we both struggled with keeping on task and sitting still.
This morning; however, we used it in a different spot: the sliding glass door window. I taped it onto the window so that he could still write on the bag and see through the glass. IT WAS A HIT!
I think this is how we will work on writing our letters for awhile!